Marlies Yearby

Marlies Yearby is an artist activist, Deep Body Listener, choreographer and director with a global perspective. She creates original works across various platforms including theater, film and diverse multimedia. Ms. Yearby developed her “In Our Bones Creative Process” as an acknowledgement of the legacies, lived experiences, memories, and day to day energies ever present in the moving bodies at work. Her approach to wholeness as a “Deep Body Listener” has engaged her techniques to move the stories and memories, held in the body, released into song, dance, voicing, gesture and script. The process empowers participants to own their life experiences. Ms. Yearby’s work is internationally recognized. She is the Tony award nominated and choreographer of the musical RENT and she received the Drama League Award for the Los Angeles production of RENT. Currently Ms Yearby is using her newest project Seed Awakening On The Eve Of Blue addressing the crisis in real food, environment and health as a commodity in disenfranchised communities globally and right here at home

Gwendolyn Baum